How can a party foster great relationships for my daughter going back to school?

With kids going back to school at the start of this month, it’s no surprise that birthday party bookings have kept our phones ringing off-the-hook!

A new class filled with new faces can be a daunting environment for your little girl.

As a parent you would be interested in getting a sense of your daughters new friends, right? A Giggles4Girls birthday party focuses on empowering girls and fostering stronger friendships.  We do this through our wide range of specially planned activities.  Where our girls are encouraged to appreciate one another, share what’s  special about themselves and their friends.

A Giggles 4 Girls party becomes a great way to allow your daughter to become comfortable with and get to know her new classmates. This also provides her with the opportunity to form lasting friendships!

As a mum, you get to know the personalities of your daughters new friends, as you sit back and watch your child enjoy her party while we take care of the rest.